5 reasons to use a female condom

5 reasons to use a female condom

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According to data from the Civil Prevenidos Civil Association, in Mexico, one in 10 women has adopted the condom as the safest method to prevent the spread of sexually transmitted diseases. Know the reasons to use a female condom.

The special condom for women has more than 20 years of existence. It is a soft and thin polyurethane bag with two flexible rings one at each end. The ring at the closed end is used to insert the condom into the vagina and keep it in place, the outside is outside it and covers part of the external genital organs, explains an analysis by the Federal Consumer Attorney's Office (Profeco).

Use it, it's for your safety

Data from the National Center for the Prevention and Control of HIV-AIDS (CENSIDA) confirm that a person has 123 sexual relations on average per year and of these only four times use a condom, without being aware of the risks they face when not using protection.

That is why we give you 5 reasons to protect yourself with the female condom.

1. You reduce the risk of HPV infection. The most effective and proven method to prevent infection with Human Papillomavirus (HPV) is the female condom.

Dutch researchers find that using a female condom not only prevents infection, it also helps reduce HPV-related injuries.

This virus is contracted by contact of the skin of the genitals of someone previously infected; warts may appear and it is one of the main causes of cervical cancer, explains National Cervical Cancer Coalition.

2. You reduce the risk of HIV infection. The characteristics of the female condom are considered highly effective in the prevention of the human immunodeficiency virus (HIV), says the study The female condom: significant potential for the prevention of STIs and pregnancy.

Polyurethane is a strong material, less prone to break than latex; The design of the female condom has better coverage of the external genital area, unlike male condoms.

Polyurethane is impermeable to viruses smaller than HIV, hepatitis B, and herpes; It is not affected by changes in temperature and humidity or by oil-based lubricants, the study argues.

3. You reduce the risk of infection with candidiasis. This is one of the most frequent sexually transmitted infections among young people aged 20 to 24, according to statistics from the National Institute of Statistics and Geography (INEGI).

Candidiasis is caused by a fungus that usually lives inside the vagina in moderate amounts, but when the level of acidity in this area is altered, the infection that causes itching, thick, white vaginal discharge, and a bad smell.

4. Prevent pregnancy. The study conducted in the United Kingdom A clinical study of its use-effectiveness and patient acceptability demonstrates that the effectiveness of female condoms to prevent unplanned pregnancies is 95% if used properly.

With this measure, the number of cases in Mexico, which per year amount to around one million, could be reduced among women aged 10 to 19, according to the Center for the Care of Pregnant Adolescents of the Civil Hospital of Guadalajara, Jalisco.

5. Empowerment. The use of the female condom allows women to take control and decision of their sexual and reproductive health in a free and informed way, without discrimination and any form of pressure affirms the Organization for the Dignity of Diversity in Chile.

With this measure, the more than one million abortions performed in young women aged 15 to 24 in Mexico could be reduced, according to the unplanned pregnancy and induced abortion study in Mexico of the Colegio de México.

Knowing and sharing information about the benefits of the female condom will increase the desire to use it as a means to prevent infection with a sexually transmitted disease. As a woman, it will help you make better decisions in your intimate life.
5 reasons to use a female condom 5 reasons to use a female condom Reviewed by Life Is Beautiful on January 19, 2020 Rating: 5

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