10 ways to raise libido

10 ways to raise libido

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Libido, or sexual desire, varies naturally according to people. Having a low sexual desire is not necessarily a problem, but if a person wishes to raise their libido, they can try a variety of effective natural methods.

Anxiety, relationship difficulties, health problems, and age can affect libido. Although low libido is not usually a problem, it can affect a person's relationships and self-esteem.

In this article, we see some of the best ways in which men and women can increase their libido using natural methods.

Natural ways to raise libido
Both men and women can raise their libido with the following methods:

1. Manage anxiety

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Having high levels of anxiety is a common barrier to sexual functioning and libido for men and women. This may be anxiety due to life stress or specific anxiety related to sex.

People with an intense work schedule, care responsibilities or other stressors in their lives may feel fatigued and, as a result, have low sexual desire.

Anxiety and stress can also make it difficult for someone to have or maintain an erection, which can cause them to stop having sex. A 2017 review of erectile dysfunction in young men suggested that depression and anxiety can cause a reduction in libido and an increase in sexual dysfunction.

There are many things that people can do to manage their anxiety and improve their mental health, including:

practice good sleep hygiene
make time to devote to your favorite hobby
exercise regularly
eat a nutritious diet
work to improve relationships
talk to a therapist

2. Improve the quality of the relationship
Many people experience a period of calm in sexual desire and frequency at certain times in a relationship. This can happen after being with someone for a long time, or if a person perceives that things are not going well in their intimate relationships.

Focusing on improving the relationship can increase the sexual desire of each couple. This could include:

appointment night planning
perform activities together outside the room
practice open communication
spend quality time together

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3. Focus on preliminary sexual activities
Having better sexual experiences can increase a person's desire to have sex, therefore, raise their libido. In many cases, people can improve their experiences by investing more time in contact, kissing, sex toys and oral sex. Some people call these actions sexual activity.

For women, preliminary sexual activities can be especially important. According to a 2017 investigation, only about 18% of women have orgasms only from sexual intercourse, while 33.6% of women report that clitoral stimulation is necessary to have an orgasm.

4. Sleep with quality
Sleeping well can improve a person's general mood and energy levels; An investigation also relates the quality of sleep with libido.

A 2015 small-scale study in women suggested that sleeping more during the previous night increased your sexual desire the next day. Women who reported longer hours of sleep reported better genital arousal than those who slept fewer hours.

5. Eat a nutritious diet
Following a nutritious diet can benefit people's sexual desire by stimulating good circulation and heart health and eliminating specific foods that can decrease libido.

Metabolic syndrome and cardiovascular disease can affect physical sexual functioning. In addition, polycystic ovary syndrome can affect hormonal levels, which can also alter libido.

Eating a diet rich in vegetables, low in sugar and high in lean proteins can help prevent disorders that affect libido.

6. Try natural remedies

There is little research on how herbal remedies improve sexual function in men and women, although some people consider them beneficial.

A 2015 review study indicates that there are limited, but emerging, data that the following herbal remedies can improve sexual function:

People should be careful with the use of herbal medicines without their doctor's approval. Some herbal medicines may interact with existing drugs, and the U.S. Food and Drug Administration (FDA) does not regulate them. For this reason, its quality, purity, and safety are not clear.

7. Exercise regularly
Exercising regularly can help libido in many ways. A 2015 study of men on androgen deprivation therapy, which reduces testosterone levels, determined that regular exercise helped men cope with problems such as concerns about the physical image, low libido and changes in the relationship.

A 2010 review of women with diabetes mentions research that showed that exercise can help reduce diabetes-related symptoms in women. The study emphasizes that exercising for the pelvic floor can be useful in women without diabetes.

8. Maintain a healthy weight
Some scientists relate to overweight and obesity to low sexual desire, along with other factors related to reduced fertility. This is related to hormonal factors such as low testosterone concentrations.

Some overweight people may also experience psychological effects, such as low body confidence.

Maintaining a healthy body weight can improve a person's sexual desire, both physically and psychologically. Eating a healthy diet and exercising regularly can help you achieve it, as well as raising overall energy levels.

9. Try sex therapy
Sexual desire is complex and has psychological and physical components. Even when a person has a physical condition that affects libido, such as diabetes, improving the emotional and psychological response to sex can improve sexual desire and functioning.

Therapy is an effective strategy to increase low libido. Individual counseling can help treat negative perceptions about sex, self-esteem and secondary causes of low libidos, such as depression and anxiety. Relationship counseling can help some people work on factors that affect their sexual desire.

Along with conversation therapies, awareness therapy can also help. A 2014 study found that only four sessions of cognitive behavior therapy based on mindfulness in a particular group setting improved sexual desire, sexual arousal and sexual satisfaction for women.

To find a suitable therapist in your area, look in the AASECT directory.

10. Quit smoking
Smoking cigarettes can have a negative impact on a person's cardiovascular system. Good heart health is important for good sexual functioning.

People who smoke cigarettes may realize that their energy levels and sexual desire increase after they stop smoking.

How to raise libido in men

Libido in men is often related to testosterone levels, which will naturally reduce as men get older. Testosterone replacement therapy may help some men.

In men with testosterone deficiency or hypogonadism, replacement therapy can improve libido, reduce depression and improve erectile function, according to a 2017 review.

There is little evidence to suggest that certain foods or supplements increase people's levels of testosterone and sexual function. Some research suggests that zinc, vitamin D and omega 3 fatty acids may be important dietary components for testosterone.

Learn more about the foods that help raise testosterone here.

How to raise libido in women

Sex-related hormones, such as estrogens and compounds similar to this one, can also affect sexual desire in women.

Many women experience a reduction in libido and sexual functioning at menopause when estrogen levels drop. Estrogen replacement therapy may help some women.

Vaginal dryness is another symptom of menopause. Using lubricants during sexual activity can increase enjoyment.

Women also produce testosterone. Doctors believed that testosterone could affect women's sexual desire, but to date, research has not determined a specific relationship.

Certain birth control pills can also decrease libido. If a person suspects that their hormonal birth control is affecting their sexual desire, they can talk to a doctor about changing the type of pills

When to visit a doctor
If a person is concerned about a reduction in libido, a doctor can offer advice and information about possible causes and treatments. Doctors who know about alternative and complementary therapies can also help choose natural remedies.

A person may want to visit a doctor due to low libido when:

appears suddenly or without explanation
additional symptoms appear, such as high blood pressure or pain
occurs after starting a new medication or surgery
it causes serious problems in the relationship or psychological tension
painful sex
There is a wide natural variation in the sexual desire and libido of people. It is important to note that having a lower libido than other people is not necessarily a bad thing.

However, if a person wishes to increase his libido, there are many methods he can try. These include eating a nutritious diet, exercising regularly, reducing anxiety and focusing on improving intimate relationships.

Low libido is a complex problem, with the relationship, psychological and physical components. Knowing the cause can help you find the best treatment.

Because of low libido, or a sudden change in libido, maybe a sign of a health problem, it is safer to talk to a doctor before trying methods to raise libido.

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10 ways to raise libido 10 ways to raise libido Reviewed by Life Is Beautiful on February 09, 2020 Rating: 5

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