3 postures that damage the penis

3 postures that damage the penis

In the quest to fight a lethal enemy for intimate life: the routine. Many couples incorporate a dose of creativity, dynamism, and fun into the sexual act, whether it is by varying sexual positions, including some toys or costumes.

However, although sexologist Fortuna Dichi points out that the key to a good erotic relationship is a surprise, the practice of movements without being previously prepared can cause injuries not only to women but also to the male member.

Dangerous pleasure 

For the expert, Adolfo Usla Irigoyen, a doctor attached to the Urology service of the PEMEX Hospital, incorrect positions during sexual intercourse frequently cause penile fractures, which in many cases can only be treated through surgery.

1. Rider position. In which the woman is over the man; Sometimes, the woman is pushed up and when she falls, the penis does not penetrate the vagina but instead collides with the tissue and the fracture occurs.

2. Amazon. Keep your legs together at the side of your partner. This should be lying on the bed, face up. The curve of the penis is not in the same direction as the vagina, which is an inconvenience and an advantage at the same time.

3. Boat Lying on his back in bed, the woman stands on him. Inserting the penis into the vagina, the woman will turn on her side, as in the position of the Amazon, but with her legs flexed.

Any of the positions will always be a risk, sometimes for lack of calculation or also for lack of coordination, so there is a risk factor for man. Remember that in sexuality everything is allowed. Whenever there is respect and trust in the couple.
3 postures that damage the penis 3 postures that damage the penis Reviewed by Life Is Beautiful on January 18, 2020 Rating: 5

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